Eternal Security

Firefighter's Prayer

Prayers You Can Pray

"Church in the Firehouse" Article

About Living Faith World Outreach Centre


Prayers You Can Pray

Almighty God, Protector of all Mankind,
Your Strength, Power, and Wisdom
are a beacon of light to all men and women:
Give special guidance to Firefighters
so that they may be protected from harm
while performing their duty:
Help them with your loving care
while they work to save lives and property
of all people young and old:
Give them the courage,
the alertness to protect their neighbors
and all others whom they are pledged to aid
when involved in fire or accident.

Lord God, I recognize my need for you.
Thank you for giving so much for me.
I recognize my need for you.
I believe in You and Your power
to change my life.
I want to live for you all my days.
Thank you, Lord.



non-denominational church that welcomes all to




New Building Dedication - Goodwill FC


Dedicated to the brave men and women who have given their lives while serving.



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